Welcome to Eden Baptist Church

Sharing the Gospel of Jesus

Verse Of The Day

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Worship Time

Sunday Service time is 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday Prayer time is @ 1:30 p.m.

About Us

Founded in 1799.  Eden Baptist Church is a small cozy and friendly church located on Mount Desert Island in the town of Salisbury Cove.  We are a Bible Believing Congregation with a desire to serve our Lord, Jesus Christ. We take great joy in welcoming the many visitors to MDI and Acadia National Park. 

Eden Baptist News

Eden Baptist Church Annual Letter 2023

Eden Baptist Church Annual Letter 2023

February 2023, Dear Eden Members, Attendees and Friends, We have left 2022 behind us and have entered 2023. As I have said in past writings, my memory of what happened on any given Sunday in 2022 is in the deep recesses of my mind and does depend on Mary’s reporting...

Christmas Letter 2022

Christmas Letter 2022

Dear Members, Attendees’ and Supporters of Eden Baptist Church We are fast approaching the end of 2022 and I’m sure many may have a feeling of “good riddance.” And as it is spoken or shouted there may be a resounding “AMEN” as we say good bye to 2022. It has been an...

Welcome to Eden Baptist Church

Sharing the Gospel of Jesus.

About Us
Let Us Pray

These are tough times for everyone.  We understand, and would like to pray for you–no strings attached.  Just send us your first name (if you want to) and what you would like us to pray for, and we will do exactly that. 

We may not be able to come alongside you physically at this time, but we can draw near in prayer.  It would be our pleasure to pray for you.

All prayer requests will be sent to the Eden Baptist Church’s prayer team and will be confidential.

Church Services

Sunday Service: 9:00am

Tuesday Prayer Time: 1:30pm

Eden Baptist Church

155 Old Bar Harbor Road, 

Salisbury Cove, Maine

What are people saying about EBC?

  • The Spirit of God roams throughout EBC where everyone is welcome to worship and be blessed by His Spirit.

  • EBC is a house of God filled with His Holy spirit and love. A place to join in fellowship with others and a place to worship the Lord and to focus on Him.

  • A place to experience closeness to God and His wonderful peace.

  • A small country church with a big heart and spirit

  • A great place to worship

  • EBC supplies the "food" our bodies need to live our life on earth

Now it’s your turn to testify!

Eden Baptist Church

I have a question?

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